Archive | Sports

Sophie Kurys


Do you remember the movie “League of Their Own” with Tom Hanks (“There Is No Crying In Baseball”)? This was a story of a Women’s Baseball League during and just after World War II. Recently, one of the super-stars, Sophie Kurys, passed away. She was an unbelievable base stealer for the Racine Belles, which was […]

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Happy friends or basketball fans watching basketball game on tv and celebrating victory at home.Friendship, sports and entertainment concept.


First Place Is The Place To Be From my Webster’s: To be first or best in, or as if in a contest. Lots of discussion about winning right now involving World Series, football, round ball, elections, etc. There are thousands of famous quotes from famous people about this topic such as winning is the only […]

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Bill Dwyre Talks College Football Coaches

Sportswriter Bill Dwyre was the Sports Editor for the LA Times for decades and I have always enjoyed his writing. He is still writing columns for the Times.  On December 1 he wrote a column entitled:  “See ya, stinkin’ Lincoln. So long smelly Kelly”. Obviously, he has some strong views on the college coaching carousel.  […]

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