Time Is Money – Money Is Time
Many licensees forget to evaluate their time and many senior citizen licensees are thinking in the past. If you want to gross $100,000.00 their year, you must earn $2,000.00 a week (2 week unpaid vacation). That works out to $50.00 an hour for a 40 hour week.
If you want to gross $200,000.00 you must earn $100.00 an hour. Your time is really valuable.
There are agents who try to save a few dollars at the expense of time. Case in point, education.
Something could be free (think CAR CE), be extremely complicated, and time consuming. Another company might charge $65, not be so complicated, and give you a textbook and much better service. Ask around.
Save Time:
Call Duane Gomer Education at 800-439-4909 or visit our website at https://www.duanegomer.com/ for more information, and real live people answering a phone.
I need to take continue education courses .
Raid, I have emailed you our CE package options. Please contact our office with any questions.