Designation vs Broker
On our website we have an article entitled “Why I Believe So Strongly You Should Become a Broker!” I believe that even more strongly after reading an article on “Designations” on the DRE Website:
Consumer and Industry Warning: False and Misleading Designations
Some licensees have been called before Judges and the DRE for stating that a Designation (ABC) means they are an expert in a real estate field. Truth be told, they have never sold anything and simply completed a one day course and a simple exam. Yes, many of the designations you see on someone’s card can be received without even selling any item.
The Problem
The clients rely on the supposed expertise and the supposed expertise is not there. The client is irritated and Judges and the DRE get involved. You agents who are Short Sale, REO, or Trustee Sales specialists know you cannot learn everything in one day.
Another Problem
Clients do not understand the different alphabetic designations. But, I believe strongly that they know there is a difference between Broker and Salesperson licenses. Right now to get a Broker license: you need 5 additional Statutory Courses, 2 years’ sales experience and the passage of a draconian full-day exam with a grade of at least 75%.
Note: 40% of the applicants who take the broker exam fail. So become a member of the elite group: Brokers Associate. You will be glad you did. For more information find us at www.duanegomer.com
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