Senate Bills On Jerry’s Desk As Of 9/21

legislationThere Are Two Bills That Should Be Of Interest To Real Estaters

There are hundreds of bills, but I am referring to Senate Bill #173 and Senate Bill #2.

Number 173 Is Simple

It states that the BRE should go back to being the DRE. No reason is given, and I have not heard very much about this. The change to BRE did not affect licensees to any great extent, so a change back should not be a big deal.

Who Profits? Printers; new business cards, flyers, and stationary (if anyone still uses it).

Number 2 Is Not So Simple

This is a bill that has been discussed for many years. It adds a fee to the recording of many real estate documents that is to be used to help the homeless population and to allow local governments to update zoning and other procedures. This would allow more building of affordable housing.

The Fee Is $75.00 Per Document To A Maximum Of $225.00

It applies to every real estate instrument recorded except those exempted in the bill. Think sales transactions. They will not be subject to the fees.

The Name Of The Bill Is The Building Homes And Jobs Act

It is called an urgency statute whatever that means. I am not a politician, will never be a politician, and raised my children to never be politicians so I do not know what a lot of these rules encompass.

3 Responses to Senate Bills On Jerry’s Desk As Of 9/21

  1. Dr. Thamestoklis S. Zikakis October 16, 2017 at 11:53 AM #

    MONEY & ONLY MONEY. Its always about power take & then Take some more. Then they can hire more Gov’t Workers at our expense. & the votes come rolling in, it a Cycle.

    • Duane Gomer October 17, 2017 at 11:40 AM #

      Disagree with you on this one; the reason for coming back is that the DCA spent about $6M each year of the Real Estate Licensees money paid for licenses. This is my Ball Park and I can say that as a license it is a good changeback, it should have not been done in the first place. However, all of the other new bills $75 for each item recorded and the Bond vote in November for Affordable Housing, etc. etc. etc. are all a Cycle.


    • clyde ellingwood January 7, 2018 at 7:36 PM #

      That is the way of politicals, both sides.

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