The DRE sends out an information sheet RE 149 (Comparative Production Statistics). My most recent copy is December 2018. Some interesting stats as always:
Total Number Of Licensees In The State:
- 2018: 421,512
- 2017: 419,016
- 2016: 412,314
An increase of only 2,496 in the last year. And the number from November 2018 to December 2018 was an increase of from 421,479, way up to 421,512. An increase of 33 licensees. So the growth is slowing. The record number of licensees was in 2008 when there were over 546K, a long way to go.
Total Number Of Brokers In The State:
- 2018: 131,357
- 2017: 133,000
- 2016: 134,433
In the last two years, the number has dropped 3,076. That is not surprising. CAR sponsored a regulation that stated a person could no longer use a college degree in any subject as a substitute for the two years of experience requirement. Now the only degree that can be used as a substitute is a Real Estate Major or Minor and very few CA schools offer that specialty. The CAR Directors obviously wanted fewer brokers and that is what they now have.
As Brokers now die, retire or leave the business, there seem to be no replacements. This rule does not make sense and soon there will be fewer companies available for Salespersons to join. People with degrees in Business, Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Management, Statistics, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Media, etc. will not be in the industry. Industries need college graduates. As you can guess, this regulation has hurt my bottom line, and I do not like it.
License Renewals:
Are averaging around 90% for Brokers and 80% for Salespersons. This is a normal market.
Passing Rates for Broker Exams:
Are holding steady at around 54% and Salespersons at about 55%. These are higher than normal and both rates increased from 2017.
Since passing rate are up, it could be a great time to consider getting a license. We will get you ready with our pass or no pay guarantee for prep classes and you will pass. As Cal Worthington would say, “I guarantee it”. Anyone under 50 years of age will not understand that reference.
Subdivisions Filings and Reports:
Are holding steady. 1,474 filings from two years ago to 1,405 this year. and reports from 1,687 to 1,630. Not much change. The big housing demand is not being met with that amount of filings.
If you have any questions about this report or other real estate queries, please email [email protected] or call 949-457-8930. We want to be your information resource, give us a chance.
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