

A student recently asked me a question about advertising. My answer to her might be of interest to other salespeople.

On advertising I have no perfect answer. My recommendations on what someone should do is establish an email data base and start sending something you write personally at least once a month. Work on increasing your data base even to hiring someone to research names and email addresses of other brokers in your area and of clients.

Get your website mobile friendly as that is important in Google searches for organic placement. Also, check you’re positioning and try to get to page 1. Consider Google Ads advertising, pay for clicks. Also consistently check what your competition is doing.

Become involved in some on-line activity such as Facebook or LinkedIn.

Top producers still mail. The winners seem to have expensive post cards with photos and information on sales and listings.

Advertise on Facebook, Craigslist and other spots online.

Network, Network, Network – at Realtor functions and places to meet clients.

Develop a free class on topics such as buying contracts, taxes and present it in your area.

Teach at a local Community College or Adult Education course.

Customized Approach

I started my business many years ago and three things that I did included, writing a column in the SFV Sunday newspaper, teaching at UCLA and lecturing at Apartment Associations. I became a Broker as soon as possible and earned the Certified Property Manager Designation.

When I started my Real Estate Education Company I got in my car and drove to every County South of Sacramento and visited Title Companies, HOA’s and Apartment Associations in every county. In two months I had to hire speakers to cover assignments as that worked so well.

And last but certainly not least, answer phone calls, texts, emails, Facebook posts etc. immediately if not sooner.

Is this all easy? Is there an easy answer? No. Take heart, many pioneers before you have solved the advertising problem and you will too. But move now, some people plan too long and work too short.   

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