I Meet The Nicest People

Yes, And Cory Trenda Meets That Definition

I met him some years ago at St. Johns Episcopal Church. My first introduction was when his National Award Winning Barbershop Quartet performed. They are good.

Cory Has Just Released A New Book

It is titled, “After The Trip”. Subtitled: “Unpacking Your Cross cultural Experience”. It is designed to assist people who go on cross cultural journeys around the globe. Think travel guide for the journey that begins once the trip is over.

It is hoped that these trips will be life changing. And Cory lays out a road map on how to achieve that purpose.

This Is On The Back Cover:

For more than three decades, CORY TRENDA has worked with international humanitarian organizations and led cross cultural trips to dozens of countries. A senior director for World Vision, he is the author for “Reflections from Afar: Unexpected Blessings for Those Who “Have” from those Who “Don’t”.  When we would talk, I was always impressed with where he would be the following week. Most of them, I did not know where they were or how to spell their name. Cory would be going to deepest Africa, and I would be going to Fresno.

World Vision

Is a Christian humanitarian organization that works in 100 countries funding poverty alleviation programs. DJ and I recently participated in a local function sponsored by Cory and WV. It was called, “Global 6K for Water”. You walked 6K. This is the distance that way too many people have to walk to get water. While walking it, I kept thinking of the water seekers walking that distance with very heavy buckets. And many of the women carry them on their heads.

Thank you World Vision, and Thank you Cory for all the work that you do. The world is a better place because of your work.

2 Responses to I Meet The Nicest People

  1. JACK P KENNEDY August 11, 2018 at 4:56 PM #

    That is just a wonderful story. My brother worked for World Vision when he was in his 20’s What a vredit to Society too. Please keep these Human Interest Items coming. Blessings! Jack K.- Just finishing Continuing Ed classes for my Brokers Lic.

    • Duane Gomer August 13, 2018 at 4:36 PM #

      Thank you for noticing. I will keep them coming if you keep reading. Thanks for supporting our classes.

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