In My Different Classes, There Are Many Questions That A Majority Of The Students Fail To Answer Correctly
I would like to present a few of them here for your enjoyment. The answers follow the questions.
- Which is worse in a trust fund, commingling or conversion?
- An IRS lien would be a junior or a senior lien?
- You are a Notary and I come into your office to get my Trust Deed notarized. I had signed it last night. Do you ask me to sign it again?
- There is a two year experience requirement to become a broker. Can a person who has two years of experience as an escrow officer qualify?
- All written offers must be submitted promptly?
- If the cap rate on a property goes from 6% to 7% does the price go up or down?
- Which Real Estate specialty has the most problems on DRE Trust Fund?
- Which existing education company was the first one authorized by DRE?
- Conversion is stealing the money from the fund.
- An IRS lien would probably be a junior lien. No one would lend behind an IRS lien.
- A document to be acknowledged does not have to be signed in front of a notary.
- Yes, it is called equivalent experience.
- You do not have to present patently frivolous offers, offers received after an escrow has closed, or when a seller says no more.
- When a cap rate goes up, the price goes down, etc.
- Property Managers.
- Duane Gomer, Inc. #0054.
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