Joel Singer has been at the California Association of Realtors since1978 and has been the Chief Executive Officer since 1989. Forty-three years if you are counting, but the era will come to a close at the end of this year.
I remember Joel when he started at CAR in 1978 as Chief Economist, and of course I have been to many CAR Expos and heard him conduct outstanding panel discussions. Some of the terms used to describe him in CAR’s announcement are: an industry visionary, lasting and meaningful impact on the real estate industry, most well-respected REALTOR CEO, NAR’s William R. Magel award for excellence, and the list goes on.
CAR lost another amazing and long-time executive in 2020 when my friend, Leslie Appleton Young, also retired. She was the Chief Economist for most of her 40 years on Virgil St. and is remembered for her Economic lectures. A once-in-a-generation hire. Hope you are enjoying your time off, Leslie! Come back and we will present you in living color.
The announcement of Joel’s retirement included the phrase, “A search committee is being formed to conduct a nationwide search”. It better be a good one for he will be hard to replace. Happy trails, Joel Singer!
Personal aside: In 1954 Duane Gomer was awarded a Teaching Assistantship in Production Management at UCLA after graduating from Indiana University. My wife and I could not afford UCLA rents so we started east on Wilshire looking for a place to live. What we found was a small studio with a Murphy bed on Virgil near Vermont. Two blocks from where the C.A.R. fortress is now located.
To read the CAR announcement click here. C.A.R. announces retirement of CEO Joel Singer at year’s end
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